Microsoft Certified Fundamentals Certifications
The pathway to AI, Data Science, and Cloud Computing.
The Microsoft Certified Fundamentals exams are the pathway to fully
understanding what cloud computing is, what options are available from
Microsoft, and which options make sense for businesses to invest in.
This set of exams is for students who are exploring a career in
artificial intelligence, data science, and cloud computing. With the
usage of big data and artificial intelligence on the rise, the demand
for data scientists is not being met—and the gap is widening.
Help your students get on the pathway to a prosperous career by
administering Microsoft Certified Fundamentals exams in your classroom.
Available certifications
Tried and true: pathway to success
Through Certiport’s full pathway solution you can prepare your
students for the cloud computing workforce with tailored learning
materials, practice tests, and certification exams officially endorsed
by Microsoft. Candidates for this certification will be expected to have
key conceptual knowledge of AI, Data Science, and Cloud Computing
through at least 150 hours of instruction. Adding these materials into
your curriculum is easy and seamless.